GT Gillie & Blair Limited has an active chartering and ship broking department which, over many years, has built up and established excellent working relationships with many ‘blue chip’ charterers. The department specialises in the shipment of all types of bulk commodities throughout Northern Europe, the Mediterranean and The Baltic Sea. These bulk cargoes include coal, clay, wheat and barley, fertilizer (in particular IMO 5.1), aggregates, animal feed, steel, potash, salt, etc. The team also regularly charter in container and project / heavy lift vessels on single voyage and / or longer period time charters as required.
The team of experienced and qualified shipbrokers, have, in addition to the vast network of contacts already built up, extensive mailing and circular lists which enable it to quickly determine the availability of suitable cargoes and vessels. This is not only for the company’s own ‘house’ vessels but also to ensure that clients’ exacting needs and requirements are matched. The team are all fully conversant with and can advise clients in the use and compilation of suitable charter parties.

From chartering a single indivisible load on one of their own vessels to providing an annual Contract of Affreightment, Gillie & Blair’s chartering department can offer an individual service ‘tailor made’ to suit their clients’ requirements. G.T. Gillie & Blair Limited is also, understandably, a proud member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers.